SMS 2-Step Authentication: User Registration components

This topic contains the pieces that are assembled into the UserRegistration page. There is no need to modify this topic. If a section of the same name is found in the Main.UserRegistration topic, it will be used instead of or in addition to sections in this topic.

This topic contains 3 fields for 2-step authentication, and allows them two be captured during user registration. In order to enable these fields, edit your Main.UserRegistration page and update the below settings:

  1. Add this topic name to the "REGPARTS" setting:
    • %SET{"REGPARTS" value="System.SmsAuthRegistrationParts,System.UserRegistrationParts,System.SmsAuthRegistrationParts"}%
  2. Enable the extra fields from the FIELDS setting. Note that extraField_mobile and extraField_mobileCarrier. The third field, extraField_twoStepAuth is only used if two-step authentication is optional.
    • %SET{"FIELDS" value="extraField_mobile,extraField_mobileCarrier,extraField_twoStepAuth"}%

Also remember to update the UserForm to add the required fields and update the NewUserTemplate to pull in the updated form. System.SmsAuthUserForm contains an example user form with the additional fields. It also has customization instructions. These topics should not be updated in the System web. Follow customization instructions to copy them to the Main.

Fields included on registration forms

Optional field: Mobile Number

%STARTSECTION{"extraField_mobile"}%<li><label class="desc" for="Fwk0Mobile">%MAKETEXT{"Mobile number:"}%</label>
<div><input type="text" id="Fwk0Mibile" name="Fwk0Mobile" size="40" class="foswikiInputField" value="" tabindex="11" /></div></li>%ENDSECTION{"extraField_mobile"}%

Optional field: Mobile Carrier

%STARTSECTION{"extraField_mobileCarrier"}%<li><label class="desc" for="Fwk0MobileCarrier">%MAKETEXT{"Mobile carrier:"}%</label>
<div><select id="Fwk0MobileCarrier" name="Fwk0MobileCarrier" tabindex="12" />%INCLUDE{"%SYSTEMWEB%.SmsTwoStepAuthContrib" section="carrierselect"}%</select>

Optional field: Two Step Auth

%STARTSECTION{"extraField_twoStepAuth"}%<li><label class="desc" for="Fwk0TwoStepAuth">%MAKETEXT{"Use Two Step Authorization:"}%</label>
<div><rinput type="radio" id="Fwk0TwoStepAuth" name="" value="on" tabindex="13" />
<input type="radio" name="Fwk0TwoStepAuth" value="on"><label>Enabled</label><br>
<input type="radio" name="Fwk0TwoStepAuth" value="off"><label>Disabled</label><br>

Formfields used in User form:

The above 3 fields capture data into the following User form fields:
Mobile text 60   Mobile number  
| Mobile Carrier | select | 1 | , No permission to view System.SmsTwoStepAuthContrib | Mobile carrier | |
Two Step Auth radio 2 off, on Select on to use two-factor authentication  
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Aug 2017, ProjectContributor
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